Black Moustache vivianexvictoria: June 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

We've only just begun

I'm not sure how many times I've attempted to upkeep a blog, and I'm not sure which attempt this is. All I know is that I've probably deleted many blogs in the past few years after abandoning them but that's not going to stop me!

I admit — I have the First-blog-post Syndrome, a deadly disease where one fears writing the first blog post because they never know what to write, or what is appropriate to write. That should explain why this post may be a bit lengthy and boring so give me a second here and deal with it, okay? I guess I should start by introducing myself, and what better way to do that then with an awkward, badly-taken selfie?

Hello, my name is Victoria Chwa. I'm 17 (year 2014); from Singapore. There's actually not very much to me. I like spending my time writing, watching Taiwanese or Korean soap operas, singing and frolicking in the garden of roses in a fantasy land in my head. I'm rather quiet by nature, so I don't talk as much as I think. I'm currently studying in the Arts Stream in Pioneer Junior College, and I hope to get a Degree in Psychology in future. Like any other teenaged girl, I spend a fair bit of my time scrolling through online shops (which I plan to open soon) and, most of the time, end up buying things I want but don't actually need and then regretting it later while desperately trying to find a way to use them. :P

I also have a blog on Wordpress which you can check out by clicking the tab on the menu bar above. If you're wondering why I have 2 blogs, my Wordpress blog is for all the times when I feel extra philosophical while this blog is so I can share my day to day shenanigans with you. I hope you don't mind! ^^ 

I absolutely love watching videos on YouTube. I'm a fan of almost every youtuber there is to watch. I hope to be able to start a YouTube channel one day, and be able to travel and see the world and go to Vidcon or Playlist Live. I also hope to open my own online store soon. :x

If you're wondering what I will be posting here, I'm pretty much going to share almost anything and everything — from my daily activities and hopefully inspirational thoughts to product reviews and advertorials. I don't really have a plan of what to post so I'm just going to post anything I feel like posting because I'm a rebel and I roll that way. ;)

That's pretty much it for an introduction I guess! :) I'm not really pretty and neither do I have a good figure or anything worth being known for so I don't expect this blog to 'blow up'. That's not my aim of starting a blog anyway. Some people keep diaries, others keep a sketch book, but I choose to try to keep a blog. And whoever you may be, I hope you'll enjoy visiting my blog. :) I will try my best to upkeep it this time! XD Honestly, this is the blog I'm most satisfied with so far. :x

Well, this wasn't so hard. After all, we've only just begun (Yes, quoting The Carpenters). ;)